Marc's little blue truck

Marc's little blue truck

So I asked Marc for some simple objects to import into Unity and play around with. This is what I got – a little blue truck.

The first thing we both noticed was that Unity nerfed the model when it was imported. Imagine a stretched Hummer, only it has been stretched sideways…

Easily fixed with a bit a judicious single axis scaling – and Unity makes that very easy too.

Its all about where you put your hands

When using Unity with your mouse in your right hand, rest the fingers of left hand on the QWER keys. These are the short cut keys for the main interface gizmos.

Q is pan, allowing you to move the view ports around without moving anything. W is move or translate, allowing you to select and move an object in the scene. E is rotate and R is scale. Translate, rotate and scale all have axis based gizmos so you can easily isolate just one axis to operate on (as was needed for our truck).

With your left hand in that position the F key is also convenient for your index finger. F is find – it zooms the viewport your cursor is currently in to the object you have selected. Great if you select something in the heirarchy and need to find it in the scene.